Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Please Don't Make Me Leave My House

Shirt - Thrifted // Sweater - JCPenney // Shoes - Breckelles // Skirt - Lovely Day (Modcloth) // Socks - Walmart // Tights - Marc's

I'm really hoping they cancel school tomorrow. It's supposed to be below zero. On a completely different note, I just wanted to say thanks to all of you who've been commenting! IntenseDebate isn't working anymore and for some reason my computer rarely lets me comment on blogs (like I'll write them out but they never show up...). Anyways, I am reading them, but it's just really difficult to respond.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love this. You have to leave the house to show it off! :) Your haircut is super cute, by the way.

