Dress - JCPenney ("borrowed" from my sister) // Belt - Nine and Co. // Scarf - Thrifted // Shoes - Restricted Shoes
Today I told my siblings that instead of bacon, lettuce, and tomato BLT really stood for bears, lions, and tigers...oh my. (I know that's not the right order...but it's so close!) Anyways, yes. Bacon sandwiches for lunch. Oh yeah, I think there was lettuce and tomato on the sandwich too...but honestly all I remember is the bacon. On a completely unrelated note, I felt like a boy scout in this tied scarf...I may wear this outfit to camp now.
So I know that I don't really talk about my faith that much on my blog, but I'm gonna make an exception today. My family visited another church today (the church where my siblings did VBS this year) and I was just struck by something the pastor said. Not an exact quote, but I'll do my best. He basically said that God is not our friend, He is our judge. I mean, I know that. But, it's not something that's usually taught in our culture. We usually hear how merciful and kind God is. And those things are so true, but there's so much more! I think that by saying "God is our friend" we are trying to make an all-powerful God sound more relatable and accessible to the general public.
I just see such a nonchalant attitude towards God now...gosh, that made me sound like an old person (but wait, it gets worse). And even in the way we dress at church. Now, I know there's nothing wrong with dressing casually for church. My family usually dresses casually for church. But would you dress like that if you knew you were going to meet someone important...say, royalty? I hope not! But, when you're going to church you're in the presence of the King of kings. He's way more important than anyone on earth!
But, I digress...that really wasn't the point. Dressing up at church is really not that big of an issue--just a personal preference. My point was that we should not think of God like a best friend when he's a judge and a king. I don't want my salvation to depend upon a friend, I'd rather trust in someone of authority. And besides, you wouldn't refer to the Queen of England as your bestie. That would be ...really weird. Unless she is your best friend, of course, then it would be totally ok. I just think that we should stop thinking of God in such a casual manner and realize just who He is. The all-powerful and all-knowing God.
Well...those are my unexpected theological ramblings for the day.