Friday, May 31, 2013

Maybe One Day

Maybe one day I'll get this photography thing right...

Since I only need a couple of extra classes to get a minor in photography I figured I might as well go for it. But, I've always been a bit of a cameraphobe before now. I even started out my blog with other people taking my pictures for me. Well I still have people take pictures for me sometimes, but usually I do it myself now. Until earlier this year I rarely touched a camera other than the one on my cell phone and I didn't even own a camera other than that. It worked for just the occasional picture, but now that I actually enjoy photography a little (and apparently I'm minoring in it now) I really need to invest in a good camera and learn how to use it.

Yesterday I said I got a ton of other pictures that I thought I'd eventually share with you. Since I didn't get outfit pictures today I'll show the the pictures instead. I know these aren't by any means amazing, but just remember...I'm a recovering cameraphobe. Sorry there are a ton of pictures--I had so much fun and I liked so many that I had a hard time deciding which ones to post!

Any tips are welcome since I'm so new at this! Thanks for reading! I hope you have a wonderful day!

And now an awesome picture of Indra, my cat. 'cause it's just too funny not to share! Animals are so hard to photograph so I can't believe I got this one!

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